The DJ Project

Rediscover the Desktop

DJ Tweak's Ant task


Ant task example

The following example shows how to use DJ Tweak as an Ant task to configure the icons of a JAR file during a build procedure.

For the sake of the example, a complex pattern is used to identify some images that are already present in the Jar file (internalset), and a pattern to identify external images (externalset)

<project name="Sample build script" default="configureJar">

  <target name="configureJar" description="Configure the JAR file icons">
    <taskdef resource="chrriis/dj/tweak/ant/"
    <djtweak file="MyJARFile.jar" tofile="MyJARFileWithIcons.jar">
          <include name="chrriis/dj/ui/**/*_??x??.png"/>
        <externalset dir="icons">
          <include name="**/*.*"/>
