The DJ Project
Rediscover the Desktop
DJ Tweak's Ant task
The following example shows how to use DJ Tweak as an Ant task to configure the icons of a JAR file during a build procedure.
For the sake of the example, a complex pattern is used to identify some images that are already present in the Jar file (internalset), and a pattern to identify external images (externalset)
<project name="Sample build script" default="configureJar">
<target name="configureJar" description="Configure the JAR file icons">
<taskdef resource="chrriis/dj/tweak/ant/"
<djtweak file="MyJARFile.jar" tofile="MyJARFileWithIcons.jar">
<include name="chrriis/dj/ui/**/*_??x??.png"/>
<externalset dir="icons">
<include name="**/*.*"/>