ExternalInterface.call("sendCommand", commandName, arg1, arg2, ...)
commandReceived(WebBrowserCommandEvent) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.WebBrowserAdapter
commandReceived(WebBrowserCommandEvent) -
Method in interface chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.WebBrowserListener
The web browser can invoke special commands to the application simply by calling through Javascript:
window.location = 'command://' + encodeURIComponent('somecommand') + '&' + encodeURIComponent('param1') + '&' + encodeURIComponent('param2') + ...
computeMessageID(Message, boolean) -
Static method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.NativeInterface
configureComponent(JComponent, DefaultFlashPlayerDecorator.FlashDecoratorComponentType) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.DefaultFlashPlayerDecorator
Configure a component (its text, icon, tooltip, etc.).
configureComponent(JComponent, DefaultVLCPlayerDecorator.VLCDecoratorComponentType) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.DefaultVLCPlayerDecorator
Configure a component (its text, icon, tooltip, etc.).
configureComponent(JComponent, DefaultWebBrowserDecorator.WebBrowserDecoratorComponentType) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.DefaultWebBrowserDecorator
Configure a component (its text, icon, tooltip, etc.).
configureForWebBrowserWindow(JWebBrowserWindow) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.DefaultWebBrowserDecorator
configureForWebBrowserWindow(JWebBrowserWindow) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.WebBrowserDecorator
Configure the decorator for integration of the web browser in a web browser window.
constrainVisibility() -
Static method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.NSComponentOptions
Create an option to apply visibility constraints to the component, which allows mixing lightweight and heavyweight components to a certain extent.
constrainVisibility() -
Static method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.NSPanelComponent
Create an option to apply visibility constraints to the component, which allows mixing lightweight and heavyweight components to a certain extent.
consume() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.WebBrowserNavigationEvent
consume() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.WebBrowserWindowWillOpenEvent
convertJavaObjectToJavascript(Object) -
Static method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JWebBrowser
Convert a Java object to Javascript, to simplify the task of executing scripts.
copyAppearance(JWebBrowser, JWebBrowser) -
Static method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JWebBrowser
Copy the appearance, the visibility of the various bars, from one web browser to another.
copyContent(JWebBrowser, JWebBrowser) -
Static method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JWebBrowser
Copy the content, whether a URL or its HTML content, from one web browser to another.
create(JWebBrowser) -
Static method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.WebBrowserWindowFactory
Create a web browser window, as a frame, with a given web browser.
create(Window, JWebBrowser) -
Static method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.WebBrowserWindowFactory
Create a web browser window, as a dialog or a frame depending on whether a parent window is specified, with a given web browser.
createBackBuffer() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.NativeComponentWrapper
Create an image of the native peer as a back buffer, which can be used when painting the component, or to simulate alpha blending.
createBackBuffer() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.NativeComponent
Create an image of the native peer as a back buffer, which can be used when painting the component, or to simulate alpha blending.
createConfiguration() -
Static method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.NativeInterface
createEmbeddableComponent(NSOption...) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.NativeComponentWrapper
A native component instance cannot be added directly to a component hierarchy: this method creates a component that will host the native component but which can be added to the component hierarchy.
createEmbeddableComponent(Map<Object, Object>) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.NativeComponentWrapper
A native component instance cannot be added directly to a component hierarchy: this method creates a component that will host the native component but which can be added to the component hierarchy.
createEmbeddableComponent(Map<Object, Object>) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.NativeComponent
A native component instance cannot be added directly to a component hierarchy.
createFlashPlayerDecorator(Component) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JFlashPlayer
Create a decorator for this flash player.
createFlashPlayerDecorator(JFlashPlayer, Component) -
Method in interface chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JFlashPlayer.FlashPlayerDecoratorFactory
Create the decorator for a flash player, which adds the rendering component to its component hierarchy and will itself be added to the flash player.
createJavascriptFunctionCall(String, Object...) -
Static method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JWebBrowser
Create the Javascript function call using the function name and Java objects as arguments.
createOptionMap(NSOption...) -
Static method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.NSOption
Create a map from option key to option value.
createProcess(String[], Map<String, String>, String[], String, String[]) -
Method in interface chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.PeerVMProcessFactory
createVLCPlayerDecorator(Component) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JVLCPlayer
Create a decorator for this vlc player.
createVLCPlayerDecorator(JVLCPlayer, Component) -
Method in interface chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JVLCPlayer.VLCPlayerDecoratorFactory
Create the decorator for a VLC player, which adds the rendering component to its component hierarchy and will itself be added to the VLC player.
createWebBrowserDecorator(Component) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JWebBrowser
Create a decorator for this web browser.
createWebBrowserDecorator(JWebBrowser, Component) -
Method in interface chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JWebBrowser.WebBrowserDecoratorFactory
Create the decorator for a web browser, which adds the rendering component to its component hierarchy and will itself be added to the web browser.
Credentials - Class in chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components
Credentials(String, String) -
Constructor for class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.Credentials
- deactivateNativeIntegration() -
Static method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.NSComponentOptions
- Create an option to deactivate the native integration provided by the library.
- decodeURL(String) -
Static method in class chrriis.common.Utils
- DefaultFlashPlayerDecorator - Class in chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components
- DefaultFlashPlayerDecorator(JFlashPlayer, Component) -
Constructor for class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.DefaultFlashPlayerDecorator
- DefaultFlashPlayerDecorator.FlashDecoratorComponentType - Enum in chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components
- DefaultFlashPlayerDecorator.FlashPlayerControlBar - Class in chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components
- DefaultVLCPlayerDecorator - Class in chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components
- DefaultVLCPlayerDecorator(JVLCPlayer, Component) -
Constructor for class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.DefaultVLCPlayerDecorator
- DefaultVLCPlayerDecorator.VLCDecoratorComponentType - Enum in chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components
- DefaultVLCPlayerDecorator.VLCPlayerControlBar - Class in chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components
- DefaultWebBrowserDecorator - Class in chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components
- A default web browser decorator, which can actually be subclassed for simple customization.
- DefaultWebBrowserDecorator(JWebBrowser, Component) -
Constructor for class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.DefaultWebBrowserDecorator
- DefaultWebBrowserDecorator.WebBrowserButtonBar - Class in chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components
- The bar containing the buttons.
- DefaultWebBrowserDecorator.WebBrowserDecoratorComponentType - Enum in chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components
- DefaultWebBrowserDecorator.WebBrowserLocationBar - Class in chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components
- The bar containing the location field.
- DefaultWebBrowserDecorator.WebBrowserMenuBar - Class in chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components
- The menu bar.
- deleteAll(File) -
Static method in class chrriis.common.Utils
- Delete the file, or delete the directtory and all its children recursively.
- destroy(Applet) -
Static method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.NativeInterfaceAppletHandler
- destroyBackBuffer() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.NativeComponentWrapper
- Destroy the back buffer.
- destroyBackBuffer() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.NativeComponent
- Destroy the back buffer.
- destroyOnFinalization() -
Static method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.NSComponentOptions
- Create an option to defer the destruction of the component until finalization or explicit disposal, rather than when the component is removed from its component tree.
- destroyOnFinalization() -
Static method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.NSPanelComponent
- Create an option to defer the destruction of the component until finalization or explicit disposal, rather than when the component is removed from its component tree.
- dispose() -
Method in interface chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JWebBrowserWindow
- disposeNativeComponent() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.NativeComponentWrapper
- Explicitely dispose the native resources.
- disposeNativePeer() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JFlashPlayer
- disposeNativePeer() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JVLCPlayer
- disposeNativePeer(boolean) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JWebBrowser
- Dispose the native peer but potentially allows confirmation dialog to the user.
- disposeNativePeer() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.NativeComponent
- Explicitely dispose the native resources.
- disposeNativePeer() -
Method in interface chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.NSComponent
- Explicitely dispose the native resources.
- disposeNativePeer() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.NSPanelComponent
- encodeURL(String) -
Static method in class chrriis.common.Utils
- equals(Object, Object) -
Static method in class chrriis.common.Utils
- Test the equality of 2 objects, with a check on nullity.
- equals(Object) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.utilities.FileTypeLauncher
- escapeXML(String) -
Static method in class chrriis.common.Utils
- EventDispatchUtils - Class in chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl
- A utility class for event dispatching processes.
- EventDispatchUtils.Condition - Interface in chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl
- executeJavascript(String) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JWebBrowser
- Execute some javascript.
- executeJavascriptWithResult(String) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JWebBrowser
- Execute some javascript, and wait for the result coming from the return statements.
- FileTypeLauncher - Class in chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.utilities
- A utility class to get the launchers of certain file types.
- FileTypeLauncher() -
Constructor for class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.utilities.FileTypeLauncher
- Filter<T> - Interface in chrriis.common
- A generic filter.
- finalize() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JFlashPlayer
- finalize() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JVLCPlayer
- finalize() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.win32.JWMediaPlayer
- finalize() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.WebBrowserObject
- findClass(String) -
Method in class chrriis.common.NetworkURLClassLoader
- findResource(String) -
Method in class chrriis.common.NetworkURLClassLoader
- FlashPlayerCommandEvent - Class in chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components
- FlashPlayerCommandEvent(JFlashPlayer, String, Object[]) -
Constructor for class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.FlashPlayerCommandEvent
- FlashPlayerDecorator - Class in chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components
- A flash player decorator is a component that wraps the rendering component and is added to the flash player
to provide the various button bars, fields and menus.
- FlashPlayerDecorator() -
Constructor for class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.FlashPlayerDecorator
- FlashPlayerListener - Interface in chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components
- FlashPluginOptions - Class in chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components
- The options for the Flash player to better configure the initialization of the Flash plugin.
- FlashPluginOptions() -
Constructor for class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.FlashPluginOptions
- Construct new Flash plugin options.
- get(int) -
Method in class chrriis.common.ObjectRegistry
- Get an object using its ID.
- get() -
Method in enum chrriis.common.SystemProperty
- get(String) -
Method in enum chrriis.common.SystemProperty
- get() -
Method in enum chrriis.dj.nativeswing.NSSystemProperty
- get(String) -
Method in enum chrriis.dj.nativeswing.NSSystemProperty
- get() -
Method in enum chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.NSSystemPropertySWT
- get(String) -
Method in enum chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.NSSystemPropertySWT
- getAbsolutePosition() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.VLCInput
- Get the current position on the timeline.
- getAbsolutePosition() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.win32.WMPControls
- Get the current position on the timeline.
- getAdditionalHeadDefinitions() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.WebBrowserObject
- getAllRegisteredExtensions() -
Static method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.utilities.FileTypeLauncher
- Get all the registered file extensions.
- getAnchor() -
Method in class chrriis.common.WebServer.HTTPRequest
- getAspectRatio() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.VLCVideo
- Get the aspect ratio of the video media.
- getAuthenticationHandler() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JWebBrowser
- Get the authentication handler or null if none is set.
- getBackButton() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.DefaultWebBrowserDecorator.WebBrowserButtonBar
- getBounds(Rectangle[]) -
Static method in class chrriis.common.UIUtils
- Get the bounds containing all the rectangles.
- getBrowserType() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JWebBrowser
- Get the type of browser (ie, mozilla, etc.).
- getBrowserVersion() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JWebBrowser
- Get the version of the browser.
- getBytes() -
Method in class chrriis.common.WebServer.HTTPData
- getChannel() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.VLCAudio
- Get the audio channel.
- getClassPathFile(String) -
Static method in class chrriis.common.Utils
- getClassPathFile(Class<?>) -
Static method in class chrriis.common.Utils
- getClassPathResourceURL(String, String) -
Method in class chrriis.common.WebServer
- getCommand() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.FlashPlayerCommandEvent
- getCommand() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.WebBrowserCommandEvent
- getComponentDescription() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.NativeComponentWrapper
- Get a description of this component wrapper, which is used for example to improve debug messages.
- getComponentID() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.NativeComponent
- Get the unique identifier of this native component, used as a reference to communicate with the native peer.
- getComponentManager() -
Static method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.MozillaXPCOM.Mozilla
- Get the Mozilla JavaXPCOM component manager.
- getComponentRegistrar() -
Static method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.MozillaXPCOM.Mozilla
- Get the Mozilla JavaXPCOM component registrar.
- getComponentVisibleArea(Component, Filter<Component>, boolean) -
Static method in class chrriis.common.UIUtils
- Get the area that is not covered by components obeying the condition imposed by the visitor.
- getConfiguration() -
Static method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.NativeInterface
- Get the configuration, which allows to modify some parameters.
- getContentLength() -
Method in class chrriis.common.WebServer.WebServerContent
- getContentType() -
Method in class chrriis.common.WebServer.WebServerContent
- getControlRegistry() -
Static method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.NativeComponent
- Get the registry of the controls, which references created controls using the component ID.
- getCookie(String, String) -
Static method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JWebBrowser
- Get a cookie for a given URL and a given name.
- getCredentials(JWebBrowser, String) -
Method in interface chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.WebBrowserAuthenticationHandler
- Get the credentials, or credentials with null user and password to get default prompt, or null to cancel the authentication request.
- getDefaultIcon() -
Static method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.utilities.FileTypeLauncher
- Get the default icon for files that don't have a custom icon.
- getDefaultMimeType(String) -
Static method in class chrriis.common.WebServer.WebServerContent
- getDefaultWebServer() -
Static method in class chrriis.common.WebServer
- getDialogType() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JFileDialog
- Get the dialog type.
- getDirectory(String) -
Static method in class chrriis.common.Utils
- getDirectory(Class<?>) -
Static method in class chrriis.common.Utils
- getDuration() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.VLCInput
- Get the duration in milliseconds of the current media.
- getDuration() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.win32.WMPMedia
- Get the duration in milliseconds of the current media.
- getDynamicContentURL(String, String) -
Method in class chrriis.common.WebServer
- getDynamicContentURL(String, String, String) -
Method in class chrriis.common.WebServer
- getEmbeddedObjectJavascriptName() -
Static method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.WebBrowserObject
- getExtensionFilters() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JFileDialog
- Get the extension filters.
- getExtensionFiltersNames() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JFileDialog
- Get the names corresponding to the extension filters.
- getFileMenu() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.DefaultWebBrowserDecorator.WebBrowserMenuBar
- Get the file menu.
- getFirstLineNumber() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.SyntaxHighlighterOptions
- getFlashPlayer() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.DefaultFlashPlayerDecorator
- getFlashPlayer() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.DefaultVLCPlayerDecorator
- getFlashPlayer() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.FlashPlayerCommandEvent
- getFlashPlayerListeners() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JFlashPlayer
- Get the flash player listeners.
- getForwardButton() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.DefaultWebBrowserDecorator.WebBrowserButtonBar
- getFrameRate() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.VLCInput
- Get the number of frames per second.
- getGoButton() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.DefaultWebBrowserDecorator.WebBrowserLocationBar
- getHeaderMap() -
Method in class chrriis.common.WebServer.HTTPData
- getHeaderMap() -
Method in class chrriis.common.WebServer.HTTPRequest
- getHeaders() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.WebBrowserNavigationParameters
- getHeight() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.VLCVideo
- Get the height of the video.
- getHTMLContent() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JHTMLEditor
- Get the HTML content.
- getHTMLContent() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JWebBrowser
- Get the HTML content.
- getHTMLEditor() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.HTMLEditorEvent
- Get the HTML editor.
- getHTMLEditorListeners() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JHTMLEditor
- Get the HTML editor listeners.
- getHTMLParameters() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.WebBrowserObject.ObjectHTMLConfiguration
- getHTTPPostDataArray() -
Method in class chrriis.common.WebServer.HTTPRequest
- getIcon() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.utilities.FileTypeLauncher
- Get the icon associated with this file type.
- getIconSize() -
Static method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.utilities.FileTypeLauncher
- Get the size of the icons that can be obtained.
- getInnerAreaBorder() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.DefaultFlashPlayerDecorator
- Return the border to use for the inner area, which by default return a border if at least one of the bars is visible.
- getInnerAreaBorder() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.DefaultVLCPlayerDecorator
- Return the border to use for the inner area, which by default return a border if at least one of the bars is visible.
- getInnerAreaBorder() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.DefaultWebBrowserDecorator
- Return the border to use for the inner area, which by default return a border if at least one of the bars is visible.
- getInputStream() -
Method in class chrriis.common.WebServer.WebServerContent
- getInputStream(String) -
Static method in class chrriis.common.WebServer.WebServerContent
- getInstallationURL() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.WebBrowserObject.ObjectHTMLConfiguration
- getInstance() -
Static method in class chrriis.common.ObjectRegistry
- Get the default shared instance of a registry.
- getInstance() -
Static method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.NativeInterface
- getInstanceIDs() -
Method in class chrriis.common.ObjectRegistry
- Get all the instance IDs that are used in this registry.
- getItemCount() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.VLCPlaylist
- Get the number of items in the playlist.
- getJARFile(String) -
Static method in class chrriis.common.Utils
- getJARFile(Class<?>) -
Static method in class chrriis.common.Utils
- getJavascriptDefinitions() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.WebBrowserObject
- getLastModified() -
Method in class chrriis.common.WebServer.WebServerContent
- getLauncher(String) -
Static method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.utilities.FileTypeLauncher
- Get the launcher for a given file name, which may or may not represent an existing file.
- getLaunchers() -
Static method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.utilities.FileTypeLauncher
- Some global loading of data is performed the first time, if it is needed.
- getLoadedResource() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.WebBrowserObject
- getLoadingProgress() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JWebBrowser
- Get the loading progress, a value between 0 and 100, where 100 means it is fully loaded.
- getLocalFile(String) -
Static method in class chrriis.common.Utils
- getLocalFileURL(File) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.WebBrowserObject
- getLocalHostAddress() -
Static method in class chrriis.common.Utils
- Get a local host address on which client and server sockets can connect to communicate.
- getLocalHostAddress(int) -
Static method in class chrriis.common.Utils
- Get a local host address on which client and server sockets can connect to communicate.
- getLocation() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.WebBrowserWindowOpeningEvent
- getLocationField() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.DefaultWebBrowserDecorator.WebBrowserLocationBar
- getMediaState() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.VLCInput
- Get the state.
- getMediaState() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.win32.JWMediaPlayer
- Get the state of the media.
- getMessage() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JDirectoryDialog
- Get the message that is shown to the user to describe the purpose of this directory selection.
- getMessageID(Message) -
Static method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.NativeInterface
- getMimeType() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.WebBrowserObject.ObjectHTMLConfiguration
- getName() -
Method in enum chrriis.common.SystemProperty
- getName() -
Method in enum chrriis.dj.nativeswing.NSSystemProperty
- getName() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.WebBrowserFunction
- getName() -
Method in enum chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.NSSystemPropertySWT
- getName() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.utilities.FileTypeLauncher
- Get the name of the launcher.
- getNativeClassPathReferenceClasses(NativeInterfaceConfiguration) -
Static method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.NativeInterface
- getNativeClassPathReferenceResources(NativeInterfaceConfiguration) -
Static method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.NativeInterface
- getNativeComponent() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.NSPanelComponent
- Get the native component.
- getNativeComponentRegistry() -
Static method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.NativeComponent
- Get the registry of the components, which references created components using the component ID.
- getNativeComponents() -
Static method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.NativeComponent
- Get the native components that are currently registered, which may have an invalid native peer.
- getNativeInterfaceListeners() -
Static method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.NativeInterface
- Get all the native interface listeners.
- getNativePeerCreationParameters() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.NativeComponent
- Get the parameters that are passed to the creation method.
- getNewResourceLocation() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.WebBrowserNavigationEvent
- getNewWebBrowser() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.WebBrowserWindowOpeningEvent
- getNewWebBrowser() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.WebBrowserWindowWillOpenEvent
- getObjectFactory() -
Method in interface chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.netbeans.NativeCoreAPIProvider
- getObjectHtmlConfiguration() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.WebBrowserObject
- getObjectProperty(String) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.WebBrowserObject
- getOptionKey() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.NSOption
- Get the key of this option.
- getOptionValue() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.NSOption
- Get the value of this option.
- getPageTitle() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JWebBrowser
- Get the title of the web page.
- getParameters() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.FlashPlayerCommandEvent
- getParameters() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.FlashPluginOptions
- Get the Flash plugin HTML parameters.
- getParameters() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.VLCPluginOptions
- Get the VLC plugin HTML parameters.
- getParameters() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.WebBrowserCommandEvent
- getParamName() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.WebBrowserObject.ObjectHTMLConfiguration
- getParentDirectory() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JFileDialog
- Get the parent directory of the files that will be/were shown.
- getPassword() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.Credentials
- getPauseButton() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.DefaultFlashPlayerDecorator.FlashPlayerControlBar
- getPauseButton() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.DefaultVLCPlayerDecorator.VLCPlayerControlBar
- getPeerVMParams(NativeInterfaceConfiguration) -
Static method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.NativeInterface
- getPeerVMProcessFactory() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.NativeInterfaceConfiguration
- Get the peer VM process factory.
- getPlayButton() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.DefaultFlashPlayerDecorator.FlashPlayerControlBar
- getPlayButton() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.DefaultVLCPlayerDecorator.VLCPlayerControlBar
- getPlayCount() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.win32.WMPSettings
- Get the playCount, as a value strictly greater than 0.
- getPlaySpeedFactor() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.VLCInput
- Get the speed factor that is applied when a media is played.
- getPlaySpeedFactor() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.win32.WMPSettings
- Get the speed factor that is applied when a media is played, as a value strictly greater than 0.
- getPort() -
Method in class chrriis.common.WebServer
- getPostData() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.WebBrowserNavigationParameters
- getQueryParameterMap() -
Method in class chrriis.common.WebServer.HTTPRequest
- getRegisteredExtensions() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.utilities.FileTypeLauncher
- Get the extensions of the files that can be launched.
- getRelativePosition() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.VLCInput
- Get the current relative position on the timeline as a float between 0 and 1.
- getReloadButton() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.DefaultWebBrowserDecorator.WebBrowserButtonBar
- getResourceLocation() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JWebBrowser
- Get the location of the resource currently displayed.
- getResourcePath() -
Method in class chrriis.common.WebServer.HTTPRequest
- getResourcePathURL(String, String) -
Method in class chrriis.common.WebServer
- getSelectedDirectory() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JDirectoryDialog
- Get the directory that was selected or that should be selected when the dialog is shown.
- getSelectedExtensionFilterIndex() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JFileDialog
- Get the index of the selected extension filter.
- getSelectedFileName() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JFileDialog
- Get the file name of the first file that was selected relative to the parent directory.
- getSelectedFileNames() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JFileDialog
- Get the file names of the files that was selected relative to the parent directory.
- getSelectionMode() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JFileDialog
- Get the selection mode.
- getServiceManager() -
Static method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.MozillaXPCOM.Mozilla
- Get the Mozilla JavaXPCOM service manager.
- getSize() -
Method in interface chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JWebBrowserWindow
- getSize() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.WebBrowserWindowOpeningEvent
- getStatusText() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JWebBrowser
- Get the status text.
- getStereoBalance() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.win32.WMPSettings
- Get the stereo balance.
- getStopButton() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.DefaultFlashPlayerDecorator.FlashPlayerControlBar
- getStopButton() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.DefaultVLCPlayerDecorator.VLCPlayerControlBar
- getStopButton() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.DefaultWebBrowserDecorator.WebBrowserButtonBar
- getSubtitleTrack() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.VLCVideo
- Get the track of the subtitles.
- getText() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.HTMLEditorSaveEvent
- Get the text to save.
- getTimeDisplay(int, int) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.DefaultVLCPlayerDecorator
- Get the time to display in the time display area.
- getTitle() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JDirectoryDialog
- Get the title of the file dialog.
- getTitle() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JFileDialog
- Get the title of the file dialog.
- getTitle() -
Method in interface chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JWebBrowserWindow
- getTrack() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.VLCAudio
- Get the audio track, or 0 if disabled.
- getURLContent(String) -
Method in class chrriis.common.WebServer
- getURLPath() -
Method in class chrriis.common.WebServer.HTTPRequest
- getURLPrefix() -
Method in class chrriis.common.WebServer
- getUserName() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.Credentials
- getValue() -
Method in interface chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.EventDispatchUtils.Condition
- getVariable(String) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JFlashPlayer
- Get the value of a variable, or an object property if the web browser used is Internet Explorer.
- getVariables() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.FlashPluginOptions
- Get the Flash plugin variables.
- getVersion() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.WebBrowserObject.ObjectHTMLConfiguration
- getViewMenu() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.DefaultWebBrowserDecorator.WebBrowserMenuBar
- Get the view menu.
- getVLCAudio() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JVLCPlayer
- Get the VLC object responsible for audio-related actions.
- getVLCInput() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JVLCPlayer
- Get the VLC object responsible for input-related actions.
- getVLCPlaylist() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JVLCPlayer
- Get the VLC object responsible for playlist-related actions.
- getVLCVideo() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JVLCPlayer
- Get the VLC object responsible for video-related actions.
- getVolume() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.VLCAudio
- Get the volume, as a value between 0 and 100.
- getVolume() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.win32.WMPSettings
- Get the volume, as a value between 0 and 100.
- getWebBrowser() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.DefaultWebBrowserDecorator
- getWebBrowser() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JFlashPlayer
- Get the web browser that contains this component.
- getWebBrowser() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JHTMLEditor
- Get the web browser that contains this component.
- getWebBrowser() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JSyntaxHighlighter
- Get the web browser that contains this component.
- getWebBrowser() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JVLCPlayer
- Get the web browser that contains this component.
- getWebBrowser() -
Method in interface chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JWebBrowserWindow
- getWebBrowser(JWebBrowser) -
Static method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.MozillaXPCOM
- Get the Mozilla JavaXPCOM nsIWebBrowser if it is available.
- getWebBrowser() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.WebBrowserEvent
- Get the web browser.
- getWebBrowserListeners() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JWebBrowser
- Get the web browser listeners.
- getWebBrowserWindow() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JWebBrowser
- Get the web browser window if the web browser is contained in one.
- getWebServerContent(WebServer.HTTPRequest) -
Static method in class chrriis.common.WebServer
- getWebServerContent(WebServer.HTTPRequest) -
Method in interface chrriis.common.WebServer.WebServerContentProvider
- Get the web server content, or return null to ignore the request.
- getWebServerContent(WebServer.HTTPRequest) -
Static method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JHTMLEditor
- getWebServerContent(WebServer.HTTPRequest, String, int) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JHTMLEditor
- Serve the HTTP content requested by the editor web page, which can be altered by subclasses.
- getWebServerContent(WebServer.HTTPRequest) -
Static method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.WebBrowserObject
- getWidth() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.VLCVideo
- Get the width of the video.
- getWindowsClassID() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.WebBrowserObject.ObjectHTMLConfiguration
- getWindowsInstallationURL() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.WebBrowserObject.ObjectHTMLConfiguration
- getWindowsParamName() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.WebBrowserObject.ObjectHTMLConfiguration
- getWMPControls() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.win32.JWMediaPlayer
- Get the Media Player object responsible for controls-related actions.
- getWMPMedia() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.win32.JWMediaPlayer
- Get the Media Player object responsible for media-related actions.
- getWMPSettings() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.win32.JWMediaPlayer
- Get the Media Player object responsible for settings-related actions.
- goNext() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.VLCPlaylist
- Move to the next item of the playlist.
- goPrevious() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.VLCPlaylist
- Move to the previous item of the playlist.
- hasBackBuffer() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.NativeComponentWrapper
- Indicate whether a back buffer is (still) stored in the component.
- hasBackBuffer() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.NativeComponent
- Indicate whether a back buffer is (still) stored in the component.
- hasContent() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.WebBrowserObject
- hashCode() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.utilities.FileTypeLauncher
- HTMLEditorAdapter - Class in chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components
- HTMLEditorAdapter() -
Constructor for class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.HTMLEditorAdapter
- HTMLEditorDirtyStateEvent - Class in chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components
- HTMLEditorDirtyStateEvent(JHTMLEditor, boolean) -
Constructor for class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.HTMLEditorDirtyStateEvent
- Construct an HTML editor dirty state event.
- HTMLEditorEvent - Class in chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components
- HTMLEditorEvent(JHTMLEditor) -
Constructor for class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.HTMLEditorEvent
- Construct an HTML editor event.
- HTMLEditorListener - Interface in chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components
- HTMLEditorSaveEvent - Class in chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components
- HTMLEditorSaveEvent(JHTMLEditor, String) -
Constructor for class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.HTMLEditorSaveEvent
- Construct an HTML editor save event.
- init(Applet) -
Static method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.NativeInterfaceAppletHandler
- initialize() -
Static method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.NativeSwing
- Initialize the Native Swing framework.
- initialize() -
Static method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.NativeInterface
- Initialize the native interface, but do not open it.
- initialize() -
Static method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.netbeans.NativeInterfaceNetBeansHandler
- initialize(NativeComponent) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.NSPanelComponent
- Initialize this class with its native component.
- initializeNativePeer() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.NativeComponent
- Force the component to initialize.
- initializeNativePeer() -
Method in interface chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.NSComponent
- Force the native peer to initialize.
- initializeNativePeer() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.NSPanelComponent
- invoke(JWebBrowser, Object...) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.WebBrowserFunction
- invokeFlashFunction(String, Object...) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JFlashPlayer
- Invoke a function on the Flash object, with optional arguments (Strings, numbers, booleans).
- invokeFlashFunctionWithResult(String, Object...) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JFlashPlayer
- Invoke a function on the Flash object and waits for a result, with optional arguments (Strings, numbers, booleans).
- invokeObjectFunction(String, Object...) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.WebBrowserObject
- Invoke a function on the object, with optional arguments (Strings, numbers, booleans, or array).
- invokeObjectFunctionWithResult(String, Object...) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.WebBrowserObject
- Invoke a function on the object and waits for a result, with optional arguments (Strings, numbers, booleans, or array).
- IS_32_BIT -
Static variable in class chrriis.common.Utils
- IS_64_BIT -
Static variable in class chrriis.common.Utils
Static variable in class chrriis.common.Utils
- IS_MAC -
Static variable in class chrriis.common.Utils
Static variable in class chrriis.common.Utils
Static variable in class chrriis.common.Utils
Static variable in class chrriis.common.Utils
- isAutoStart() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.win32.WMPSettings
- Indicate whether loading some media should start playing automatically.
- isBackNavigationEnabled() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JWebBrowser
- Indicate if the web browser Back functionality is enabled.
- isButtonBarVisible() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.DefaultWebBrowserDecorator
- Indicate whether the button bar is visible.
- isButtonBarVisible() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JWebBrowser
- Indicate whether the button bar is visible.
- isButtonBarVisible() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.WebBrowserDecorator
- Indicate whether the button bar is visible.
- isButtonBarVisisble() -
Method in interface chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JWebBrowserWindow
- Indicate whether the button bar is visible.
- isComponentTransparent(Component) -
Static method in class chrriis.common.UIUtils
- Get the actual transparent state, which considers the opacity and the transparency hint that may have been set with the setComponentTransparencyHint(xxx) method.
- isConfirmedOverwrite() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JFileDialog
- Indicate whether save dialogs should ask for confirmation when the file that is selected already exists.
- isConsumed() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.WebBrowserNavigationEvent
- isConsumed() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.WebBrowserWindowWillOpenEvent
- isControlAreaVisible() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.SyntaxHighlighterOptions
- isControlBarVisible() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.DefaultFlashPlayerDecorator
- isControlBarVisible() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.DefaultVLCPlayerDecorator
- isControlBarVisible() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.FlashPlayerDecorator
- Indicate whether the control bar is visible.
- isControlBarVisible() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JFlashPlayer
- Indicate whether the control bar is visible.
- isControlBarVisible() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JVLCPlayer
- Indicate whether the control bar is visible.
- isControlBarVisible() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.VLCPlayerDecorator
- Indicate whether the control bar is visible.
- isControlBarVisible() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.win32.JWMediaPlayer
- Indicate whether the control bar is visible.
- isDialogWindow() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.WebBrowserWindowWillOpenEvent
- Indicate whether the new window should be opened as a dialog (instead of a frame).
- isDirty() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.HTMLEditorDirtyStateEvent
- isDirty() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JHTMLEditor
- Indicate whether the editor is dirty, which means its content has changed since it was last set or the dirty state was cleared.
- isEventPumpRunning() -
Static method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.NativeInterface
- Indicate if events are being pumped (by a call to runEventPump).
- isForwardNavigationEnabled() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JWebBrowser
- Indicate if the web browser Forward functionality is enabled.
- isFullScreen() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.VLCVideo
- Indicate whether the video is in full screen mode.
- isFullScreen() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.win32.JWMediaPlayer
- Indicate whether the video is in full screen mode.
- isGutterVisible() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.SyntaxHighlighterOptions
- isInitialized() -
Static method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.NativeInterface
- Indicate whether the native interface is initialized.
- isInProcess() -
Static method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.NativeInterface
- isJavascriptEnabled() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JWebBrowser
- Indicate if Javascript will be allowed to run in pages subsequently viewed.
- isLocationBarVisible() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.DefaultWebBrowserDecorator
- Indicate whether the location bar is visible.
- isLocationBarVisible() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JWebBrowser
- Indicate whether the location bar is visible.
- isLocationBarVisible() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.WebBrowserDecorator
- Indicate whether the location bar is visible.
- isLocationBarVisisble() -
Method in interface chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JWebBrowserWindow
- Indicate whether the location bar is visible.
- isMenuBarVisible() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.DefaultWebBrowserDecorator
- Indicate whether the menu bar is visible.
- isMenuBarVisible() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JWebBrowser
- Indicate whether the menu bar is visible.
- isMenuBarVisible() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.WebBrowserDecorator
- Indicate whether the menu bar is visible.
- isMenuBarVisisble() -
Method in interface chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JWebBrowserWindow
- Indicate whether the menu bar is visible.
- isMessageSyncExec(Message) -
Static method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.NativeInterface
- isMessageUI(Message) -
Static method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.NativeInterface
- isMessageValid(Message) -
Static method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.NativeInterface
- isMute() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.VLCAudio
- Indicate whether audio is mute.
- isMute() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.win32.WMPSettings
- Indicate whether audio is mute.
- isNativePeerDisposed() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.NativeComponent
- Indicate whether the native peer is disposed.
- isNativePeerDisposed() -
Method in interface chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.NSComponent
- Indicate whether the native peer is disposed.
- isNativePeerDisposed() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.NSPanelComponent
- isNativePeerInitialized() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.NativeComponent
- Indicate whether the native peer initialization phase has happened.
- isNativePeerInitialized() -
Method in interface chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.NSComponent
- Indicate whether the native peer initialization phase has happened.
- isNativePeerInitialized() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.NSPanelComponent
- isNativePeerValid() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.NativeComponent
- Indicate if the native peer is valid, which means initialized, not disposed, and alive (communication channel is alive).
- isNativePeerValid() -
Method in interface chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.NSComponent
- Indicate if the native peer is valid, which means initialized, not disposed, and with a communication channel alive.
- isNativePeerValid() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.NSPanelComponent
- isNativeSideRespawnedOnError() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.NativeInterfaceConfiguration
- Indicate if the native side respawns on error.
- isOpen() -
Static method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.NativeInterface
- Indicate whether the native interface is open.
- isPauseEnabled() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.win32.WMPControls
- Indicate if the pause functionality is enabled.
- isPlayEnabled() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.win32.WMPControls
- Indicate if the play functionality is enabled.
- isPlaying() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.VLCPlaylist
- Indicate whether the playlist is currently playing an item.
- isPostMethod() -
Method in class chrriis.common.WebServer.HTTPRequest
- isReadOnly() -
Method in enum chrriis.common.SystemProperty
- whether this property should not be modified (i.e.
- isReadOnly() -
Method in enum chrriis.dj.nativeswing.NSSystemProperty
- whether this property should not be modified (i.e.
- isReadOnly() -
Method in enum chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.NSSystemPropertySWT
- whether this property should not be modified (i.e.
- isRunning() -
Method in class chrriis.common.WebServer
- isStatusBarVisible() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.DefaultWebBrowserDecorator
- Indicate whether the status bar is visible.
- isStatusBarVisible() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JWebBrowser
- Indicate whether the status bar is visible.
- isStatusBarVisible() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.WebBrowserDecorator
- Indicate whether the status bar is visible.
- isStatusBarVisisble() -
Method in interface chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JWebBrowserWindow
- Indicate whether the status bar is visible.
- isStopEnabled() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.win32.WMPControls
- Indicate if the stop functionality is enabled.
- isStretchToFit() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.win32.JWMediaPlayer
- Indicate whether the video is stretched to fit.
- isTopFrame() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.WebBrowserNavigationEvent
- isUIThread(boolean) -
Static method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.NativeInterface
- Indicate if the current thread is the user interface thread.
- isValid() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.Message
- Indicate whether the message is valid.
- isVideoDisplayed() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.VLCInput
- Indicate if a video is currently displayed.
- JDirectoryDialog - Class in chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components
- A native directory selection dialog.
- JDirectoryDialog() -
Constructor for class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JDirectoryDialog
- JFileDialog - Class in chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components
- A native file selection dialog.
- JFileDialog() -
Constructor for class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JFileDialog
- JFileDialog.DialogType - Enum in chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components
- The types that a file dialog supports.
- JFileDialog.SelectionMode - Enum in chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components
- A representation of the selection modes that a file dialog supports.
- JFlashPlayer - Class in chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components
- A native Flash player.
- JFlashPlayer(NSOption...) -
Constructor for class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JFlashPlayer
- Construct a flash player.
- JFlashPlayer.FlashPlayerDecoratorFactory - Interface in chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components
- A factory that creates the decorators for flash players.
- JHTMLEditor - Class in chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components
- An HTML editor.
- JHTMLEditor(JHTMLEditor.HTMLEditorImplementation, NSOption...) -
Constructor for class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JHTMLEditor
- Construct an HTML editor.
- JHTMLEditor.CKEditorOptions - Class in chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components
- JHTMLEditor.FCKEditorOptions - Class in chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components
- JHTMLEditor.HTMLEditorImplementation - Enum in chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components
- JHTMLEditor.TinyMCEOptions - Class in chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components
- JSyntaxHighlighter - Class in chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components
- A component to display some content with syntax highlighting.
- JSyntaxHighlighter(NSOption...) -
Constructor for class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JSyntaxHighlighter
- Construct an HTML editor.
- JSyntaxHighlighter.ContentLanguage - Enum in chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components
- JVLCPlayer - Class in chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components
- A native multimedia player.
- JVLCPlayer(NSOption...) -
Constructor for class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JVLCPlayer
- Construct a VLC player.
- JVLCPlayer.VLCPlayerDecoratorFactory - Interface in chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components
- A factory that creates the decorators for VLC players.
- JWebBrowser - Class in chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components
- A native web browser, using Internet Explorer or Mozilla on Windows, and Mozilla on other platforms.
- JWebBrowser(NSOption...) -
Constructor for class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JWebBrowser
- Construct a new web browser.
- JWebBrowser.WebBrowserDecoratorFactory - Interface in chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components
- A factory that creates the decorators for web browsers.
- JWebBrowserWindow - Interface in chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components
- A web browser window.
- JWMediaPlayer - Class in chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.win32
- A multimedia player, based on the Window Media Player (only avaialable on the Windows operating system).
- JWMediaPlayer(NSOption...) -
Constructor for class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.win32.JWMediaPlayer
- Construct a Windows Media Player.
- JWMediaPlayer.WMPMediaState - Enum in chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.win32
- The state of a media.
- launch(String) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.utilities.FileTypeLauncher
- Launch a file using this launcher.
Static variable in class chrriis.common.Utils
- load(Class<?>, String) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JFlashPlayer
- Load a file from the classpath.
- load(Class<?>, String, FlashPluginOptions) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JFlashPlayer
- Load a file from the classpath.
- load(String) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JFlashPlayer
- Load a file.
- load(String, FlashPluginOptions) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JFlashPlayer
- Load a file.
- load() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JVLCPlayer
- Load the player, with no content.
- load(String) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JVLCPlayer
- Load a file.
- load(VLCPluginOptions) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JVLCPlayer
- Load the player, with no content.
- load(Class<?>, String) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JVLCPlayer
- Load a file from the classpath.
- load(Class<?>, String, VLCPluginOptions) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JVLCPlayer
- Load a file from the classpath.
- load(String, VLCPluginOptions) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JVLCPlayer
- Load a file.
- load(String) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.win32.JWMediaPlayer
- Load a file.
- load(Class<?>, String) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.win32.JWMediaPlayer
- Load a file from the classpath.
- load() -
Static method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.utilities.FileTypeLauncher
- Explicitely load the data if it is not yet loaded, instead of letting the system perform the appropriate loading when needed.
- load(String) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.WebBrowserObject
- loadingProgressChanged(WebBrowserEvent) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.WebBrowserAdapter
- loadingProgressChanged(WebBrowserEvent) -
Method in interface chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.WebBrowserListener
- LocalMessage - Class in chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl
- A local message is a special message that is not sent through the messaging interface.
- LocalMessage() -
Constructor for class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.LocalMessage
- Construct a local message.
- locationChangeCanceled(WebBrowserNavigationEvent) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.WebBrowserAdapter
- locationChangeCanceled(WebBrowserNavigationEvent) -
Method in interface chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.WebBrowserListener
- Invoked when the location was changing but one of the listener returned false to block the change.
- locationChanged(WebBrowserNavigationEvent) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.WebBrowserAdapter
- locationChanged(WebBrowserNavigationEvent) -
Method in interface chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.WebBrowserListener
- locationChanging(WebBrowserNavigationEvent) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.WebBrowserAdapter
- locationChanging(WebBrowserNavigationEvent) -
Method in interface chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.WebBrowserListener
- The event can be consumed.
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class chrriis.common.NetworkURLClassLoader
- main(String[]) -
Static method in enum chrriis.common.SystemProperty
- a simple main method to list available system properties. additionally,
it generates Java code for yet unknown properties.
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.NativeInterface
- The main method that is called by the native side (peer VM).
- Message - Class in chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl
- The superclass of all the messages that are exchanged at the native interface.
- Message() -
Constructor for class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.Message
- Create an empty message.
Static variable in class chrriis.common.WebServer.WebServerContent
- MozillaXPCOM - Class in chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components
- This class is meant to allow accessing the JavaXPCOM nsIWebBrowser interface, and other Mozilla XPCOM interfaces.
- MozillaXPCOM.Mozilla - Class in chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components
- A class that gives access to the functionalities of
. - MozillaXPCOM.Mozilla() -
Constructor for class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.MozillaXPCOM.Mozilla
- NativeComponent - Class in chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl
- A native component that gets connected to a native peer.
- NativeComponent() -
Constructor for class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.NativeComponent
- NativeComponentWrapper - Class in chrriis.dj.nativeswing
- A wrapper for a native component, so that it becomes part of the Native Swing framework.
- NativeComponentWrapper(Component) -
Constructor for class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.NativeComponentWrapper
- Construct a NativeComponentWrapper.
- NativeCoreAPIProvider - Interface in chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.netbeans
- NativeCoreInstaller - Class in chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.netbeans
- The NetBeans integration object responsible for the activation of the appropriate platform core module.
- NativeCoreInstaller() -
Constructor for class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.netbeans.NativeCoreInstaller
- NativeInterface - Class in chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl
- The native interface, which establishes the link between the peer VM (native side) and the local side.
- NativeInterface() -
Constructor for class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.NativeInterface
- NativeInterfaceAdapter - Class in chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl
- An abstract adapter class for receiving native interface events.
- NativeInterfaceAdapter() -
Constructor for class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.NativeInterfaceAdapter
- NativeInterfaceAppletHandler - Class in chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl
- A special helper that allows Native Swing to work in a JApplet.
- nativeInterfaceClosed() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.NativeInterfaceAdapter
- nativeInterfaceClosed() -
Method in interface chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.NativeInterfaceListener
- Invoked when the native interface is closed, which can happen because of a user action or if the interface gets closed because of an error.
- NativeInterfaceConfiguration - Class in chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl
- Configuration of the native interface.
- nativeInterfaceInitialized() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.NativeInterfaceAdapter
- nativeInterfaceInitialized() -
Method in interface chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.NativeInterfaceListener
- Invoked when the native interface is initialized, which can happen only once.
- NativeInterfaceListener - Interface in chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl
- A listener to notify of the various events of the native interface.
- NativeInterfaceNetBeansHandler - Class in chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.netbeans
- A special helper that allows Native Swing to work as a NetBeans module.
- nativeInterfaceOpened() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.NativeInterfaceAdapter
- nativeInterfaceOpened() -
Method in interface chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.NativeInterfaceListener
- Invoked when the native interface is opened, which can happen because of a user action or when the framework automatically re-opens the interface after an error closed it.
- NativeSwing - Class in chrriis.dj.nativeswing
- The Native Swing class responsible for the initialization of the framework.
- navigate(String) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JWebBrowser
- Navigate to a resource, with its location specified as a URL or path.
- navigate(String, WebBrowserNavigationParameters) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JWebBrowser
- Navigate to a resource, with its location specified as a URL or path.
- navigateBack() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JWebBrowser
- Invoke the web browser Back functionality.
- navigateForward() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JWebBrowser
- Invoke the web browser Forward functionality.
- NetworkURLClassLoader - Class in chrriis.common
- A class loader that loads classes from a given codebase.
- NetworkURLClassLoader(String) -
Constructor for class chrriis.common.NetworkURLClassLoader
- Construct a network URL classloader, that will load resources from the given codebase.
- notifyDirtyStateChanged(HTMLEditorDirtyStateEvent) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.HTMLEditorAdapter
- notifyDirtyStateChanged(HTMLEditorDirtyStateEvent) -
Method in interface chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.HTMLEditorListener
- Invoked when dirty state is changed.
- NSComponent - Interface in chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl
- The interface that all Swing wrappers of native components should expose.
- NSComponentOptions - Class in chrriis.dj.nativeswing
- A collection of options that can be used for components.
- NSComponentOptions() -
Constructor for class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.NSComponentOptions
- NSOption - Class in chrriis.dj.nativeswing
- An option, which contains a key to identify a group of related options and the value of that option.
- NSOption(Object) -
Constructor for class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.NSOption
- Create an option.
- NSPanelComponent - Class in chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl
- A convenience Swing component superclass, for Swing wrappers of native components.
- NSPanelComponent() -
Constructor for class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.NSPanelComponent
- Construct an NativeSwing panel-based component, which by default has a border layout with no margins.
- NSSystemProperty - Enum in chrriis.dj.nativeswing
- A class that exposes all the system properties used by DJ Native Swing.
- NSSystemPropertySWT - Enum in chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl
- A class that exposes all the system properties used by the DJ Native Swing SWT implementation.
- ObjectRegistry - Class in chrriis.common
- A convenient class to register objects to an ID.
- ObjectRegistry() -
Constructor for class chrriis.common.ObjectRegistry
- Construct an object registry.
- open() -
Static method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.NativeInterface
- Open the native interface, which creates the peer VM that handles the native side of the native integration.
- paintBackBuffer(Graphics, boolean) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.NativeComponentWrapper
- Paint the back buffer, if one was created, to a graphic context.
- paintComponent(BufferedImage) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.NativeComponent
- Paint the native component including its native peer in an image.
- paintComponent(BufferedImage, Rectangle[]) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.NativeComponent
- Paint the native component including its native peer in an image, in the areas that are specified.
- paintNativeComponent(BufferedImage, Rectangle[]) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.NativeComponentWrapper
- Paint the native component including its native peer in an image, in the areas that are specified.
- pause() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JFlashPlayer
- Pause the execution of timeline-based flash applications.
- pause() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.win32.WMPControls
- Pause the currently playing media.
- PeerVMProcessFactory - Interface in chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl
- An interface that can be implemented to provide a custom peer VM process creation when set on the
. - play() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JFlashPlayer
- Play a timeline-based flash applications.
- play() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.VLCPlaylist
- Start playing the playlist.
- play() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.win32.WMPControls
- Start playing the loaded media.
- playItem(int) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.VLCPlaylist
- Start playing an item from the playlist using its ID.
- print(boolean) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JWebBrowser
- Attempt to print the content of the currently loaded page specifying whether to show the print dialog.
- printStackTraces() -
Static method in class chrriis.common.Utils
- printStackTraces(PrintStream) -
Static method in class chrriis.common.Utils
- printStackTraces(PrintWriter) -
Static method in class chrriis.common.Utils
- printStackTraces() -
Static method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.NativeInterface
- Print the stack traces to system err, including the ones from the peer VM when applicable.
- printStackTraces(PrintStream) -
Static method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.NativeInterface
- Print the stack traces to a print stream, including the ones from the peer VM when applicable.
- printStackTraces(PrintWriter) -
Static method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.NativeInterface
- Print the stack traces to a print writer, including the ones from the peer VM when applicable.
- proxyComponentHierarchy() -
Static method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.NSComponentOptions
- Create an option to proxy the component hierarchy, which allows to change the component Z-order.
- proxyComponentHierarchy() -
Static method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.NSPanelComponent
- Create an option to proxy the component hierarchy, which allows to change the component Z-order.
- registerFunction(WebBrowserFunction) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JWebBrowser
- Register a function to the web browser which can be called from Javascript.
- reloadPage() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JWebBrowser
- Invoke the web browser Reload functionality.
- remove(int) -
Method in class chrriis.common.ObjectRegistry
- Remove an object from the registry using its instance ID.
- removeContentProvider(WebServer.WebServerContentProvider) -
Method in class chrriis.common.WebServer
- Remove a content provider.
- removeFlashPlayerListener(FlashPlayerListener) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JFlashPlayer
- Remove a flash player listener.
- removeHTMLEditorListener(HTMLEditorListener) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JHTMLEditor
- Remove an HTML editor listener.
- removeItem(int) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.VLCPlaylist
- Remove an item using its index.
- removeNativeInterfaceListener(NativeInterfaceListener) -
Static method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.NativeInterface
- Remove a native interface listener.
- removeNotify() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.DefaultVLCPlayerDecorator.VLCPlayerControlBar
- removeNotify() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JFlashPlayer
- removeNotify() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JVLCPlayer
- removeReferenceClassLoader(ClassLoader) -
Method in class chrriis.common.WebServer
- removeWebBrowserListener(WebBrowserListener) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JWebBrowser
- Remove a web browser listener.
- restored() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.netbeans.NativeCoreInstaller
- restoreFromHiddenParent() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.NativeComponentWrapper
- revalidate(Component) -
Static method in class chrriis.common.UIUtils
- run(Object[]) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.CommandMessage
- Run the message.
- run(Object[]) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.LocalMessage
- Run the message.
- runAsync(CommandMessage, Object...) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.NativeComponent
- Run the given command if the control is created, or store it to run it when the creation occurs.
- runCommand() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.CommandMessage
- runCommand() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.LocalMessage
- runEventPump() -
Static method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.NativeInterface
- Run the native event pump.
- runInSequence(Runnable) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.NativeComponent
- Run a command in sequence with other calls from this class.
- runInSequence(Runnable) -
Method in interface chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.NSComponent
- Run a command in sequence with other method calls from this class.
- runInSequence(Runnable) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.NSPanelComponent
- runMessageCommand(LocalMessage) -
Static method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.NativeInterface
- runMessageCommand(CommandMessage) -
Static method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.NativeInterface
- runSync(CommandMessage, Object...) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.NativeComponent
- Run the given command if the control is created, or store it to run it when the creation occurs.
- saveHTML(HTMLEditorSaveEvent) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.HTMLEditorAdapter
- saveHTML(HTMLEditorSaveEvent) -
Method in interface chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.HTMLEditorListener
- Invoked when the save action was triggered on an HTML editor.
- set(String) -
Method in enum chrriis.common.SystemProperty
- set(String) -
Method in enum chrriis.dj.nativeswing.NSSystemProperty
- set(String) -
Method in enum chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.NSSystemPropertySWT
- setAbsolutePosition(int) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.VLCInput
- Set the current position on the timeline.
- setAbsolutePosition(int) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.win32.WMPControls
- Set the current position on the timeline.
- setAspectRatio(VLCVideo.VLCAspectRatio) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.VLCVideo
- Set the aspect ration of the video.
- setAuthenticationHandler(WebBrowserAuthenticationHandler) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JWebBrowser
- Set the authentication handler.
- setAutoStart(boolean) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.win32.WMPSettings
- Set whether loaded media should automatically start.
- setBackground(Color) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.WebBrowserObject
- Set the background color of the object, which by default is the color of the native component.
- setBarsVisible(boolean) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JWebBrowser
- Show or hide all the bars at once.
- setBarsVisible(boolean) -
Method in interface chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JWebBrowserWindow
- Show or hide all the bars at once.
- setButtonBarVisible(boolean) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.DefaultWebBrowserDecorator
- Set whether the button bar is visible.
- setButtonBarVisible(boolean) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JWebBrowser
- Set whether the button bar is visible.
- setButtonBarVisible(boolean) -
Method in interface chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JWebBrowserWindow
- Set whether the button bar is visible.
- setButtonBarVisible(boolean) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.WebBrowserDecorator
- Set whether the button bar is visible.
- setChannel(VLCAudio.VLCChannel) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.VLCAudio
- Set the audio channel to use.
- setComponentTransparencyHint(Component, Boolean) -
Static method in class chrriis.common.UIUtils
- Set a transparency hint for the getComponentVisibleArea(xxx) method to decide whether a component is visible.
- setConfirmedOverwrite(boolean) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JFileDialog
- For save dialogs, indicates whether the selection of a file should confirm the selection of an existing file.
- setContent(String, JSyntaxHighlighter.ContentLanguage) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JSyntaxHighlighter
- Set the content.
- setContent(String, JSyntaxHighlighter.ContentLanguage, SyntaxHighlighterOptions) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JSyntaxHighlighter
- Set the content.
- setControlAreaVisible(boolean) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.SyntaxHighlighterOptions
- setControlBarVisible(boolean) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.DefaultFlashPlayerDecorator
- setControlBarVisible(boolean) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.DefaultVLCPlayerDecorator
- setControlBarVisible(boolean) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.FlashPlayerDecorator
- Set whether the control bar is visible.
- setControlBarVisible(boolean) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JFlashPlayer
- Set whether the control bar is visible.
- setControlBarVisible(boolean) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JVLCPlayer
- Set whether the control bar is visible.
- setControlBarVisible(boolean) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.VLCPlayerDecorator
- Set whether the control bar is visible.
- setControlBarVisible(boolean) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.win32.JWMediaPlayer
- Set whether the control bar is visible.
- setCookie(String, String) -
Static method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JWebBrowser
- Set a cookie for all web browser instances.
- setCustomHTMLHeaders(String) -
Static method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JHTMLEditor.TinyMCEOptions
- Set custom HTML headers, which is mostly useful when integrating certain TinyMCE plugins.
- setCustomJavascriptConfiguration(String) -
Static method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JHTMLEditor.FCKEditorOptions
- Create an option to set custom Javascript configuration for the FCKeditor editor.
- setCustomJavascriptDefinitions(String) -
Static method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JFlashPlayer
- Create an option to set some custom Javascript definitions (functions) that are added to the HTML page that contains the plugin.
- setDefaultPopupMenuRegistered(boolean) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JWebBrowser
- Set whether this component is able to detect a popup menu gesture to show its default popup menu.
- setDialogType(JFileDialog.DialogType) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JFileDialog
- Set the dialog type.
- setDialogWindow(boolean) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.WebBrowserWindowWillOpenEvent
- Set whether the new window should be opened as a dialog (instead of a frame).
- setExtensionFilters(String[], String[], int) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JFileDialog
- Set the extension filters, with optional descriptions, and set which index is selected by default.
- setFirstLineNumber(int) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.SyntaxHighlighterOptions
- setFlashPlayerDecoratorFactory(JFlashPlayer.FlashPlayerDecoratorFactory) -
Static method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JFlashPlayer
- Set the decorator that will be used for future flash player instances.
- setFullScreen(boolean) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.VLCVideo
- Set whether the video is playing in full screen mode.
- setFullScreen(boolean) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.win32.JWMediaPlayer
- Set whether the video is playing in full screen mode.
- setGutterVisible(boolean) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.SyntaxHighlighterOptions
- setHeaders(Map<String, String>) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.WebBrowserNavigationParameters
- Set the headers using a map of key/value pairs.
- setHTMLContent(String) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JHTMLEditor
- Set the HTML content.
- setHTMLContent(String) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JWebBrowser
- Set the HTML content.
- setHTMLParameters(Map<String, String>) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.WebBrowserObject.ObjectHTMLConfiguration
- setIconImage(Image) -
Method in interface chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JWebBrowserWindow
- setInstallationURL(String) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.WebBrowserObject.ObjectHTMLConfiguration
- setJavascriptEnabled(boolean) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JWebBrowser
- Set whether javascript will be allowed to run in pages subsequently.
- setLocation(Point) -
Method in interface chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JWebBrowserWindow
- setLocationBarVisible(boolean) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.DefaultWebBrowserDecorator
- Set whether the location bar is visible.
- setLocationBarVisible(boolean) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JWebBrowser
- Set whether the location bar is visible.
- setLocationBarVisible(boolean) -
Method in interface chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JWebBrowserWindow
- Set whether the location bar is visible.
- setLocationBarVisible(boolean) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.WebBrowserDecorator
- Set whether the location bar is visible.
- setMenuBarVisible(boolean) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.DefaultWebBrowserDecorator
- Set whether the menu bar is visible.
- setMenuBarVisible(boolean) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JWebBrowser
- Set whether the menu bar is visible.
- setMenuBarVisible(boolean) -
Method in interface chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JWebBrowserWindow
- Set whether the menu bar is visible.
- setMenuBarVisible(boolean) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.WebBrowserDecorator
- Set whether the menu bar is visible.
- setMessage(String) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JDirectoryDialog
- Set the message that is shown to the user to describe the purpose of this directory selection.
- setMessageArgs(CommandMessage, Object...) -
Static method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.NativeInterface
- setMessageSyncExec(Message, boolean) -
Static method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.NativeInterface
- setMessageUI(Message, boolean) -
Static method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.NativeInterface
- setMimeType(String) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.WebBrowserObject.ObjectHTMLConfiguration
- setMute(boolean) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.VLCAudio
- Set whether audio is mute.
- setMute(boolean) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.win32.WMPSettings
- Set whether audio is mute.
- setNativeComponentEnabled(boolean) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.NativeComponentWrapper
- This method is invoked to enable or disable the native component at its native level, to prevent focus and input problems.
- setNativeSideRespawnedOnError(boolean) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.NativeInterfaceConfiguration
- Set whether the native side respawns on error.
- setNewWebBrowser(JWebBrowser) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.WebBrowserWindowWillOpenEvent
- Set a different web browser.
- setObjectProperty(String, Object) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.WebBrowserObject
- Set the value of a property of the object (a String, number, boolean, or array).
- setOptions(Map<String, String>) -
Static method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JHTMLEditor.CKEditorOptions
- Create an option to set CKEditor editor options.
- setOptions(Map<String, String>) -
Static method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JHTMLEditor.TinyMCEOptions
- Create an option to set TinyMCE editor options.
- setParameters(Map<String, String>) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.FlashPluginOptions
- Set the Flash HTML parameters that will be used when the plugin is created.
- setParameters(Map<String, String>) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.VLCPluginOptions
- Set the VLC HTML parameters that will be used when the plugin is created.
- setParamName(String) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.WebBrowserObject.ObjectHTMLConfiguration
- setParentDirectory(String) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JFileDialog
- Set the parent directory of the files that will be shown.
- setPeerVMParams(String...) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.NativeInterfaceConfiguration
- Set the parameters to add when creating the virtual machine for the native side.
- setPeerVMProcessFactory(PeerVMProcessFactory) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.NativeInterfaceConfiguration
- Set the peer VM process factory which allows to override the default peer VM creation mechanism.
- setPlayCount(int) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.win32.WMPSettings
- Set the play count.
- setPlaySpeedFactor(float) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.VLCInput
- Set the speed factor that is applied when a media is played.
- setPlaySpeedFactor(float) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.win32.WMPSettings
- Set the speed factor that is applied when a media is played.
- setPostData(String) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.WebBrowserNavigationParameters
- Set the POST data.
- setPostData(Map<String, String>) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.WebBrowserNavigationParameters
- Set the POST data using a map of key/value pairs.
- setPreferredLookAndFeel() -
Static method in class chrriis.common.UIUtils
- setRelativePosition(float) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.VLCInput
- Set the current relative position on the timeline.
- setSelectedDirectory(String) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JDirectoryDialog
- Set the directory that should be selected when the dialog is shown.
- setSelectedFileName(String) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JFileDialog
- Set the file name that the dialog will select by default.
- setSelectionMode(JFileDialog.SelectionMode) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JFileDialog
- Set the selection mode.
- setSize(Dimension) -
Method in interface chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JWebBrowserWindow
- setStatusBarVisible(boolean) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.DefaultWebBrowserDecorator
- Set whether the status bar is visible.
- setStatusBarVisible(boolean) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JWebBrowser
- Set whether the status bar is visible.
- setStatusBarVisible(boolean) -
Method in interface chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JWebBrowserWindow
- Set whether the status bar is visible.
- setStatusBarVisible(boolean) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.WebBrowserDecorator
- Set whether the status bar is visible.
- setStereoBalance(int) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.win32.WMPSettings
- setStretchToFit(boolean) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.win32.JWMediaPlayer
- Set whether the video is stretched to fit.
- setSubtitleTrack(int) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.VLCVideo
- Set the track of the subtitles.
- setTitle(String) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JDirectoryDialog
- Set the title of the file dialog.
- setTitle(String) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JFileDialog
- Set the title of the file dialog.
- setTitle(String) -
Method in interface chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JWebBrowserWindow
- setTrack(int) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.VLCAudio
- Set the audio track, or 0 to disable it.
- setVariable(String, String) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JFlashPlayer
- Set the value of a variable.
- setVariables(Map<String, String>) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.FlashPluginOptions
- Set the Flash variables that will be set when the plugin is created.
- setVersion(String) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.WebBrowserObject.ObjectHTMLConfiguration
- setVisible(boolean) -
Method in interface chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JWebBrowserWindow
- setVLCPlayerDecoratorFactory(JVLCPlayer.VLCPlayerDecoratorFactory) -
Static method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JVLCPlayer
- Set the decorator that will be used for future vlc player instances.
- setVolume(int) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.VLCAudio
- Set the volume.
- setVolume(int) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.win32.WMPSettings
- Set the volume.
- setWebBrowserDecoratorFactory(JWebBrowser.WebBrowserDecoratorFactory) -
Static method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JWebBrowser
- Set the decorator that will be used for future web browser instances.
- setWebBrowserWindowIcon(JWebBrowserWindow) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.DefaultWebBrowserDecorator
- setWebBrowserWindowTitle(JWebBrowserWindow, String) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.DefaultWebBrowserDecorator
- setWindowsClassID(String) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.WebBrowserObject.ObjectHTMLConfiguration
- setWindowsInstallationURL(String) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.WebBrowserObject.ObjectHTMLConfiguration
- setWindowsParamName(String) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.WebBrowserObject.ObjectHTMLConfiguration
- show(Component) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JDirectoryDialog
- Show the directory selection dialog, which is a blocking call until the user has made a choice.
- show(Component) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JFileDialog
- Show the file selection dialog, which is a blocking call until the user has made a choice.
- simplifyPath(String) -
Static method in class chrriis.common.Utils
- Simplify a path, where separators are '/', by resolving "." and "..".
- sleepWithEventDispatch(int) -
Static method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.EventDispatchUtils
- Sleep but dispatch the events currently in the queue if called from the event dispatch thread, until the timeout is reached.
- sleepWithEventDispatch(EventDispatchUtils.Condition, int) -
Static method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.EventDispatchUtils
- Sleep but dispatch the events currently in the queue if called from the event dispatch thread, until the condition becomes true or the timeout is reached.
- start() -
Method in class chrriis.common.WebServer
- start(boolean) -
Method in class chrriis.common.WebServer
- start(Applet) -
Static method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.NativeInterfaceAppletHandler
- statusChanged(WebBrowserEvent) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.WebBrowserAdapter
- statusChanged(WebBrowserEvent) -
Method in interface chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.WebBrowserListener
- stop() -
Method in class chrriis.common.WebServer
- stop() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JFlashPlayer
- Stop the execution of timeline-based flash applications.
- stop() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.VLCPlaylist
- Stop playing.
- stop() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.win32.WMPControls
- Stop the currently playing media.
- stop(Applet) -
Static method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.NativeInterfaceAppletHandler
- stopDefaultWebServer() -
Static method in class chrriis.common.WebServer
- stopLoading() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JWebBrowser
- Invoke the web browser Stop functionality, to stop all current loading operations.
- storeInHiddenParent() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.NativeComponentWrapper
- subtract(Rectangle[], Rectangle) -
Static method in class chrriis.common.UIUtils
- Subtracts the area specified by the rectangle rect from each of the areas specified by the rectangles in rects.
- subtract(Rectangle[], Rectangle[]) -
Static method in class chrriis.common.UIUtils
- Subtracts the area specified by the rectangles in rects2 from each of the areas specified by the rectangles in rects1.
- syncExec(boolean, Object...) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.CommandMessage
- Execute that message synchronously with the given arguments and return the result.
- syncSend(boolean) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.Message
- Send that message synchronously, potentially returning a result if the message type allows that.
- SyntaxHighlighterOptions - Class in chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components
- SyntaxHighlighterOptions() -
Constructor for class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.SyntaxHighlighterOptions
- SystemProperty - Enum in chrriis.common
- This enum is supposed to be a complete list of available syste properties on
different JVM and Java versions.
- titleChanged(WebBrowserEvent) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.WebBrowserAdapter
- titleChanged(WebBrowserEvent) -
Method in interface chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.WebBrowserListener
- toDebugString() -
Method in enum chrriis.common.SystemProperty
- toDebugString() -
Method in enum chrriis.dj.nativeswing.NSSystemProperty
- toDebugString() -
Method in enum chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.NSSystemPropertySWT
- toggleFullScreen() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.VLCVideo
- Toggle full screen mode.
- toggleMute() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.VLCAudio
- Toggle the mute state.
- togglePause() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.VLCPlaylist
- Toggle the pause state.
- toString() -
Method in enum chrriis.common.SystemProperty
- toString() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.NSOption
- toString() -
Method in enum chrriis.dj.nativeswing.NSSystemProperty
- toString() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.CommandMessage
- toString() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.Message
- toString() -
Method in enum chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.NSSystemPropertySWT
- transferFocus(boolean) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.NativeComponentWrapper
- This method should be invoked by the native component when it wants to transfer the focus.
- UIUtils - Class in chrriis.common
- unregisterFunction(WebBrowserFunction) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JWebBrowser
- Unregister a function from the web browser, which cannot be called from Javascript anymore.
- updateBackBuffer(Rectangle[]) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.NativeComponentWrapper
- Update (eventually creating an empty one if it does not exist) the back buffer on the area specified by the rectangles.
- updateBackBuffer(Rectangle[]) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.NativeComponent
- Update (eventually creating an empty one if it does not exist) the back buffer on the area specified by the rectangles.
- updateBackBufferOnVisibleTranslucentAreas() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.NativeComponentWrapper
- Update the back buffer on the areas that have non opaque overlays and that are not covered by opaque components.
- updateBackBufferOnVisibleTranslucentAreas() -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.NativeComponent
- Update the back buffer on the areas that have non opaque overlays and that are not covered by opaque components.
- useWebkitRuntime() -
Static method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JWebBrowser
- Create an option to make the web browser use the Webkit runtime.
- useXULRunnerRuntime() -
Static method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JWebBrowser
- Create an option to make the web browser use the Mozilla XULRunner runtime.
- Utils - Class in chrriis.common
- valueOf(String) -
Static method in enum chrriis.common.SystemProperty
- Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) -
Static method in enum chrriis.dj.nativeswing.NSSystemProperty
- Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) -
Static method in enum chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.DefaultFlashPlayerDecorator.FlashDecoratorComponentType
- Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) -
Static method in enum chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.DefaultVLCPlayerDecorator.VLCDecoratorComponentType
- Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) -
Static method in enum chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.DefaultWebBrowserDecorator.WebBrowserDecoratorComponentType
- Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) -
Static method in enum chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JFileDialog.DialogType
- Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) -
Static method in enum chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JFileDialog.SelectionMode
- Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) -
Static method in enum chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JHTMLEditor.HTMLEditorImplementation
- Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) -
Static method in enum chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JSyntaxHighlighter.ContentLanguage
- Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) -
Static method in enum chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.VLCAudio.VLCChannel
- Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) -
Static method in enum chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.VLCInput.VLCMediaState
- Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) -
Static method in enum chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.VLCVideo.VLCAspectRatio
- Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) -
Static method in enum chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.win32.JWMediaPlayer.WMPMediaState
- Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) -
Static method in enum chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.NSSystemPropertySWT
- Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- values() -
Static method in enum chrriis.common.SystemProperty
- Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() -
Static method in enum chrriis.dj.nativeswing.NSSystemProperty
- Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() -
Static method in enum chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.DefaultFlashPlayerDecorator.FlashDecoratorComponentType
- Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() -
Static method in enum chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.DefaultVLCPlayerDecorator.VLCDecoratorComponentType
- Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() -
Static method in enum chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.DefaultWebBrowserDecorator.WebBrowserDecoratorComponentType
- Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() -
Static method in enum chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JFileDialog.DialogType
- Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() -
Static method in enum chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JFileDialog.SelectionMode
- Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() -
Static method in enum chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JHTMLEditor.HTMLEditorImplementation
- Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() -
Static method in enum chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.JSyntaxHighlighter.ContentLanguage
- Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() -
Static method in enum chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.VLCAudio.VLCChannel
- Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() -
Static method in enum chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.VLCInput.VLCMediaState
- Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() -
Static method in enum chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.VLCVideo.VLCAspectRatio
- Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() -
Static method in enum chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.win32.JWMediaPlayer.WMPMediaState
- Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() -
Static method in enum chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.NSSystemPropertySWT
- Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- VLCAudio - Class in chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components
- A VLC object responsible for audio-related actions.
- VLCAudio.VLCChannel - Enum in chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components
- An audio channel.
- VLCInput - Class in chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components
- A VLC object responsible for input-related actions.
- VLCInput.VLCMediaState - Enum in chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components
- The state of a media.
- VLCPlayerDecorator - Class in chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components
- A VLC player decorator is a component that wraps the rendering component and is added to the VLC player
to provide the various button bars, fields and menus.
- VLCPlayerDecorator() -
Constructor for class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.VLCPlayerDecorator
- VLCPlaylist - Class in chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components
- A VLC object responsible for playlist-related actions.
- VLCPluginOptions - Class in chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components
- The options for the VLC player to better configure the initialization of the VLC plugin.
- VLCPluginOptions() -
Constructor for class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.VLCPluginOptions
- Construct new VLC options.
- VLCVideo - Class in chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components
- A VLC object responsible for video-related actions.
- VLCVideo.VLCAspectRatio - Enum in chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components
- An aspect ratio.
- WebBrowserAdapter - Class in chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components
- An abstract adapter class for receiving web browser events.
- WebBrowserAdapter() -
Constructor for class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.WebBrowserAdapter
- WebBrowserAuthenticationHandler - Interface in chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components
- The handler for authentications.
- WebBrowserCommandEvent - Class in chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components
- WebBrowserCommandEvent(JWebBrowser, String, Object[]) -
Constructor for class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.WebBrowserCommandEvent
- WebBrowserDecorator - Class in chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components
- A web browser decorator is a component that wraps the rendering component and is added to the web browser
to provide the various button bars, fields and menus.
- WebBrowserDecorator() -
Constructor for class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.WebBrowserDecorator
- WebBrowserEvent - Class in chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components
- WebBrowserEvent(JWebBrowser) -
Constructor for class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.WebBrowserEvent
- Construct a web browser event.
- WebBrowserFunction - Class in chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components
- A function that can be registered to a web browser.
- WebBrowserFunction(String) -
Constructor for class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.WebBrowserFunction
- WebBrowserListener - Interface in chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components
- WebBrowserNavigationEvent - Class in chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components
- WebBrowserNavigationEvent(JWebBrowser, String, boolean) -
Constructor for class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.WebBrowserNavigationEvent
- WebBrowserNavigationParameters - Class in chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components
- A class that allows to set HTTP headers and POST data to use during navigation requests.
- WebBrowserNavigationParameters() -
Constructor for class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.WebBrowserNavigationParameters
- WebBrowserObject - Class in chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl
- A helper class to simplify the development of native components that leverage a web browser plugin (like the JFlashPlayer).
- WebBrowserObject(JWebBrowser) -
Constructor for class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.WebBrowserObject
- WebBrowserObject.ObjectHTMLConfiguration - Class in chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl
- WebBrowserObject.ObjectHTMLConfiguration() -
Constructor for class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.WebBrowserObject.ObjectHTMLConfiguration
- WebBrowserWindowFactory - Class in chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components
- WebBrowserWindowFactory() -
Constructor for class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.WebBrowserWindowFactory
- WebBrowserWindowOpeningEvent - Class in chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components
- This event is sent after the window was created, meaning after a WindowWillOpen event.
- WebBrowserWindowOpeningEvent(JWebBrowser, JWebBrowser, Point, Dimension) -
Constructor for class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.WebBrowserWindowOpeningEvent
- WebBrowserWindowWillOpenEvent - Class in chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components
- This event is sent when a new window needs to be created.
- WebBrowserWindowWillOpenEvent(JWebBrowser, JWebBrowser) -
Constructor for class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.WebBrowserWindowWillOpenEvent
- WebServer - Class in chrriis.common
- WebServer() -
Constructor for class chrriis.common.WebServer
- WebServer(int) -
Constructor for class chrriis.common.WebServer
- WebServer.HTTPData - Class in chrriis.common
- WebServer.HTTPRequest - Class in chrriis.common
- WebServer.WebServerContent - Class in chrriis.common
- WebServer.WebServerContent() -
Constructor for class chrriis.common.WebServer.WebServerContent
- WebServer.WebServerContentProvider - Interface in chrriis.common
- A content provider for global resources.
- windowClosing(WebBrowserEvent) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.WebBrowserAdapter
- windowClosing(WebBrowserEvent) -
Method in interface chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.WebBrowserListener
- The system is closing the browser component, so all ancestors or related components can be closed upon receiving this notification.
- windowOpening(WebBrowserWindowOpeningEvent) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.WebBrowserAdapter
- windowOpening(WebBrowserWindowOpeningEvent) -
Method in interface chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.WebBrowserListener
- This event is sent to the browser that originated the event.
- windowWillOpen(WebBrowserWindowWillOpenEvent) -
Method in class chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.WebBrowserAdapter
- windowWillOpen(WebBrowserWindowWillOpenEvent) -
Method in interface chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.WebBrowserListener
- This event is sent to the browser that originated the event, and can be consumed.
- WMPControls - Class in chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.win32
- A Media Player object responsible for controls-related actions.
- WMPMedia - Class in chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.win32
- A Media Player object responsible for media-related actions.
- WMPSettings - Class in chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components.win32
- A Media Player object responsible for settings-related actions.
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